Solace has launched a partner program around a publish and subscribe platform optimized for Internet of Things (IoT) applications.
The Solace IoT partner program spans not just IT services providers, but also providers of complementary IoT technologies and platforms.
The goal is to foster development of an ecosystem around a publish-and-subscribe platform that will reduce the risks associated with building an IoT practice, says Ricardo Gomez-Ulmke, vice president of IoT at Solace.
“The idea is to make it a little less risky for the partner,” says Gomez-Ulmke.
As part of that effort, partners participating in the Solace IoT Solutions program will be authorized to earn incentives derives from lead referrals, resale and OEM opportunities that they can service leveraging technical and product skills from Solace along with co-marketing programs.
While there is no shortage of publish and subscribe platforms, Gomez-Ulmke says Solace is unique in that it is optimized to meet the requirements of IoT applications that need to be deployed at scale on a global basis.
In general, Gomez-Ulmke says solution providers should be moving aggressively into IoT because each project tends to generate multiple downstream opportunities that are derived from the first successful implementation. Once an IoT project is deployed in a production environment, it’s not usually long before the end customer wants to replicate that success across the globe, adds Gomez-Ulmke.
In addition to building relationships directly with service providers, Solace is also looking to tap into the channel programs of its technology alliance partners, which, among others, includes F5 Networks.
There’s no doubt that IoT represents a massive opportunity for solution providers that could one day be even larger than traditional IT. The IoT challenge most solution providers will initially face is first developing the expertise required to succeed and then finding a customer willing to let them implement a proof-of-concept (PoC). Vendors such as Solace are clearly signaling their willingness to lower the bar to IoT entry for those partners willing to not only make the right level of investment but also put in the time required to ultimately succeed.
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