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Pulseway Bets on MSPs to Drive RMM Growth

Pulseway, a provider of remote monitoring and management (RMM) software, is looking to drive a significant uptick in the number of managed service providers relying on its tools.

At present, Pulseway’s revenue comes from MSPs and end customers in equal measure. By the end of this year, MSPs will be driving about 60 percent of the company’s revenues as the number of MSPs continues to grow, says Pulseway CEO Marius Mihalec. Today Pulseway’s RMM tools are currently being employed by over 4,500 end customers and MSPs, with MSPs typically generating more revenue than the average end customer.

Marius Mihalec

The primary driver of that shift will be a spike in the number of MSPs that will manifest themselves as more IT professionals that currently work for various organizations decide to launch their own IT services businesses. In fact, Pulseway plans to help more MSPs get started, says Mihalec.

“We’re putting together an MSP toolkit,” says Mihalec. “We already see tremendous growth.”

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Most of these new MSPs typically start out managing roughly 25 endpoints. But as their business starts to scale it’s not uncommon for a new MSP to finds themselves managing 200 to 300 endpoints. It’s roughly at that point a new MSPs starts to invest in RMM tools to automate the management of the services they deliver at scale, says Mihalec.

Of course, competition across the RMM category is nothing short of fierce. But Pulseway has been making headway with MSPs by embedding professional services automation (PSA) functionality into a mobile application that is tightly integrated with its RMM software. In addition, Pulseway has added capabilities that provide alerts whenever a vendor releases a patch that has been from a cybersecurity perspective been deemed critical.

Naturally, it remains to be seen how a big a share of the MSP market Pulesway will be able to claim. But as the total number of MSPs increases, a proverbial flood may soon lift all RMM boats.

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