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VMware Looks to Foster App Dev Partnerships via Project Clarity

VMware has formally made available the 1.0 release of the framework it uses to create the look and feel of its application as part of an effort to foster the development of complementary third-party applications.

Based on the Angular application development toolkit, HTML and cascade style sheets (CSS), the open source Project Clarity framework has been used by VMware to design and develop applications such as VMware Cloud Console and VMware Cloud Assembly.

Scott Mathis

By making available as an open source project VMware is making it simpler of partners to create intellectual property that adds value to a VMware environment without having to pay a licensing fee, says Scott Mathis, manager of the Clarity Design System for VMware.

“Applications based on Project Clarity feel like a natural extension of VMware,” says Mathis.

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Version 1.0 represents a stable version of Project Clarity that will now follow the same long-term release cycle of the Angular platform, says Mathis. That level of consistency will make it simpler for partners to build applications on top of a more stable version of Project Clarity. Previously, the Project Clarity team had been delivering updates at a rate of once a week for 96 straight weeks.

VMware is now in the process of trying to extend its dominance of on-premises IT environments into the cloud by partnering with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and IBM. Rather than have multiple control planes, VMware is making a case for extending the existing control plane it provides to multiple clouds.

Based on VMware’s latest financial results, that argument is starting to resonate with a large swath of customers. In the most recent third quarter, VMware generated revenues of $2.2 billion, a 14 percent gain year over year.

It’s still early days as far as the battle for control over the hybrid cloud is concerned. Every major IT vendor in one way or another is trying to lay claim to the hybrid cloud computing mantel. But as channel partners are increasingly pressed to add value by developing applications one of the best places to potentially focus is always going to be where there are already a lot of potential customers.

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